- RSS feeds, what are they? what are they for?
- RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication) are free content feeds from websites. They include article titles, summaries and links to full articles to read online.
This web content syndication system distributes the titles of your latest articles posted on other sites, blogs or RSS aggregators, which allows you to increase the number of your visitors.
- How to create an RSS feed easily?
- In this area, there is no shortage of solutions. You can either create your RSS feed online for a monthly subscription, or download software to your computer that will help you create and update your feed. Among the most commonly used software, you can trust the following.
RSS Builder: This is free, open source software that allows you to create RSS feeds that you can then download to your site. It also allows you to automatically administer your site's RSS feed without having to download the XML file each time.
FeedForAll. This is a paid program that allows you to generate RSS feeds that you then download to your site. It also has special features to create podcast feeds for iTunes.
RSS.app is a site that allows you to create RSS feeds from any site or social network. It allows you to import the feed into any RSS reader.
- How to convert an RSS feed into an animated GIF?
- On our website RSSTOGIF.com you can add your RSS feed URL for free and get an animated GIF that will be automatically updated every month. If you want to customize the appearance of the GIF, have a daily update and remove the RSSTOGIF.COM logo, you will have to upgrade your GIF to PREMIUM version.
- Why create an animated GIF from an RSS feed?
- Our solution allows you to create an animated GIF that can be integrated into your email signatures.
So you can highlight the news from your website through all your email exchanges. Your animated GIF will then be automatically updated every month in the free version or every day in the PREMIUM version.
- How to create an RSS feed on Wordpress?
- To retrieve an RSS feed on Worpress it's simple, from the "News" category of your website, add "/feed" in the url. For example, for the site https://www.mywebsite.com/news/, the url of the RSS feed is https://www.mywebsite.com/news/feed